Patron Saint of the Impossible and of Parenthood
In the month of May, our minds turn toward mothers. We honour the Blessed Mother Mary in a special way. On Mother’s Day, we honour our earthly mothers. On May 22nd, we celebrate the memorial of one of the patron saints of parents, Saint Rita of Cascia.
Saint Rita was born in 14th century Italy. She lived a very difficult life. Married at the age of 12, Rita was abused by her husband for most of their 18 years of marriage. When her husband was murdered, their two sons wanted to avenge their father’s death by killing the murderers. Rita prayed fervently that her sons would not do this and commit a mortal sin. Before they were able to seek this revenge, they died from dysentery, presumably in the state of grace.
After her sons died, Rita requested entrance into an Augustinian community of religious sisters. However, because of the scandal involving her husband’s death, she was initially denied. Eventually, she was allowed to become a nun only after doing her part to reconcile the feuding families who were responsible for all of the violence in their village.
When Rita was 60, she received the wound on Christ on her forehead while meditating on an image of Jesus on the Cross. This partial stigmata remained for the rest of her earthly life and to this day on her incorrupt body.
Saint Rita is a wonderful intercessor for all mothers and fathers concerned about the spiritual welfare of their children. If situations seem too difficult, we should remember that Saint Rita is also a patron of impossible cases.
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful,
and enkindle in them the fire of your love.
Send forth your Spirit, and they shall be created.
And you shall renew the face of the earth.
O God, who have taught the hearts of the faithful
by the light of the Holy Spirit,
grant that in the same Spirit we may be truly wise
and ever rejoice in his consolation.
Through Christ our Lord.
By the singular merits of your childhood,
Obtain our request for us.
By your perfect union with the Divine Will,
Obtain our request for us.
By your acceptance of troubles in your married life,
Obtain our request for us.
By the anguish felt at the murder of your husband,
Obtain our request for us.
By the surrender of your children, rather than have them offend God,
Obtain our request for us.
By your miraculous entrance into the convent,
Obtain our request for us.
By your daily penance and fasting,
Obtain our request for us.
By your courage and joy in bearing the mark of the Crucified Saviour,
Obtain our request for us.
By the Divine Love which consumed your life,
Obtain our request for us.
By your devotion in receiving the Blessed Sacrament,
Obtain our request for us.
By the happiness you felt in leaving this life for union with Christ,
Obtain our request for us.
By the example you have given to people of every state of life,
Obtain our request for us.
Pray for us, Saint Rita,
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray.
Heavenly Father,
who in your infinite love and mercy
heed the prayer of your beloved servant, Rita,
and graciously grant favours through her intercession
which are considered impossible to human skill and effort,
relying on her compassionate love
we ask you to assist us in our trials and difficulties.
Let unbelievers know that you are the helper of the humble,
the defender of the weak,
and the strength of those who trust in you.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.