It is, first of all, the office of the Priest and Deacon as ordinary ministers of the Eucharist to distribute Holy Communion to the faithful. Upon recommendation of the Pastor, the Bishop may give other suitable members of the Christian faithful the faculty to give Holy Communion as extraordinary ministers whenever it seems necessary for the pastoral benefit of the faithful and sufficient numbers of ordinary ministers are unavailable.
In Saint John XXIII Parish, for many years Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion have assisted in the distribution of the Holy Eucharist both during Mass and to the sick and shut-in at the hospital and in their homes/residences. We are so very thankful to all those men and women who generously give of their time to assist in this ministry.
Gracious Lord,
who nourish us with the Body and Blood of your Son,
that we might have eternal life,
bless our brothers and sisters who are being called
to give the bread of heaven and the chalice of salvation
to your faithful people.
May the saving mysteries they distribute
lead them to the joys of eternal life.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.