The ministry of altar server is one of several important ministries in the Church’s Liturgy. Altar Servers assist the Priest (and the Deacon) in various liturgical celebrations, especially weekday and Sunday celebrations of the Most Holy Eucharist. Some Altar Server responsibilities include: lighting the altar candles, bearing the cross and candles in processions, assisting with incense and holy water, approaching the Priest (or the Deacon) whenever necessary to present the book, to help receive the offertory gifts at Mass and prepare the altar, and to assist in any other way required.
Both younger parishioners, from about grade 4 or 9 years old and up, and adult parishioners are invited to consider assisting in this ministry in our parish. Altar servers are expected to conduct themselves in a reverent and respectful manner at all times. For most Masses, servers should gather in the back of the Blessed Sacrament Chapel (i.e. near the sacristy) and be vested at least 10 minutes before Mass. Duties after Mass, to help clean up the sanctuary and hang up servers’ vestments, may require another 10 minutes or so. Preparation for this ministry may include “on the job training”, adult mentoring, and some scheduled rehearsals before major celebrations of the liturgical year.
Those interested and willing to assist as an altar server at any of our weekday or weekend Masses are asked to please speak with our pastor, Father Robert, and/or our parish pastoral assistant, Sharon Camier.